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Recover. Restore. Renew.

We help Active Adults and Equestrians in the San Luis Obispo area overcome Injury and Pelvic Health Dysfunction to be stronger than ever without need for medications, injections, or surgery!

Close-up of the female pelvis in the hands of an athletic, healthy woman. Gynecology, wome
Shoulder Treatment

Our Approach

At Top Notch Physical Therapy, we believe that every patient is unique and deserves individualized care. Dr. Suzanne is a qualified and experienced professional who uses scientifically validated, evidence-based treatments to create personalized plans that address each patient's specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about our exceptional Physical Therapy Clinic and how we can help you feel like yourself once more.


What Our Clients Say

I first consulted Dr. Suzanne at Top Notch Physical Therapy to ask her for help in strengthening my pelvic floor. She has help me with not only that, but also with so many other underlying issues that I had been dealing with. She is currently helping me strengthen a weak hip from an old injury, and has also taught me proper movements that are helping to heal some strained stomach muscles. I’d torn my stomach muscles in April and had been in excruciating pain for months since I kept aggravating it with my daily activities. Dr. Suzanne taught me how move properly so I can do my daily activities in a safe way. I’m feeling so grateful because I went from daily pain to being pain-free for more than a month now! I highly recommend Top Notch Physical Therapy to anyone who needs a good PT, because Suzanne is so knowledgeable and takes time with her patients to really listen to them and address their needs.

Laura S

4251 S. Higuera St. Suite 603, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

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All information on this website is intended for instruction and informational purposes only. The authors are not responsible for any harm or injury that may result. Significant injury risk is possible if you do not follow due diligence and seek suitable professional advice about your injury. No guarantees of specific results are expressly made or implied on this website.

©2025 by Top Notch Physical Therapy.

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