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Are You An Athlete Or Active Adult Being Slowed Down By Pain?


Are you worried about pain & stiffness that doesn’t go away no matter how much you rest?


! Are you frustrated that pain medications, massages, or chiropractic treatment hasn’t worked and your pain only seems to be getting worse?


Are you struggling to get to sleep because your preferred sleeping position is painful or uncomfortable?


Are you someone who values their health and is looking for a long-term solution to live a more active lifestyle without pain keeping you down?


If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you are in the right place!




​It’s very common to think that pain is nothing and that it will go away on its own OR It’s just something “everyone” suffers from at some point in their life.


If that’s happening to you, you’re definitely not alone, and we hear this type of thing all the time.


In fact, pain in active adults and athletes is a very common problem we see in our clinic.


Before coming into Top Notch PT, many of our patients suffering from musculoskeletal pain are told…


X Just “rest” or take some time off from exercising and it’ll go away (then months later they’re still suffering…)


It’s “normal” with age and you just have to tolerate it


Just take some pills and you'll be able to move and exercise for the rest of your life


Surgery and injections are the only options


The Truth About Pain For Active Adults And Athletes Is...


Resting it doesn’t change anything. You might get a small temporary relief, but then when you get active again, you’ll still be suffering from shoulder pain (I bet you’ve already experienced it!).


It’s not normal to get shoulder pain and stiffness as you get older!


Pain pills are addicting, dangerous, and can cause a lot of other problems with your body.


Surgery and injections are not the only options. It’s just the only option your surgeon can offer you.




With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to know exactly what you should do when you’ve got an injury...


? A certain stretching routine your friend told you about that worked for them but that isn’t working for you.


? Going to yet another healthcare professional, or even another physical therapist, but nothing they said or did seemed to help.


? Following the “experts” on YouTube who recommend doing a certain exercise, but all they did was make the pain worse.


? Trying a yoga or pilates class, but you were slowed down by your pain the whole time and left feeling worse. All while the doctor tells you to rest and take some pills.


When It Comes To Solving Something Serious Like Back, Shoulder, Hip, Knee or Ankle Pain And Stiffness…


You must choose the right provider for your health. If you don’t, you could end up getting dangerous surgery (when it was unnecessary) or become dependent on addicting painkillers the rest of your life.


Getting the “least - invasive”, most natural treatment is VITAL to you stopping your back pain and stiffness and keeping it from ever returning.


To do that, you have to not just treat the pain, but have a provider who is willing to figure out WHY the pain happened in the first place.


That’s when you’ll get a PERMANENT solution to your problems.


Find The Real Cause Of Your Pain through our 3 step process to Finally Get Rid Of Your Back Pain And Keep It From Coming Back!


At Top Notch PT we can help you to…


  • Get back to the activities you love all without taking significant time off.

  • Be able to chase your personal record or push your workout to the next level.

  • Make your pre-injury lifestyle today’s reality.


Our best clients are those who are motivated and ready to win back their active lifestyle. (Even if they feel stuck right now!) You don’t have to sacrifice the activities you love over problems that can be fixed.


Let’s schedule a time to chat about how you can feel like yourself again!



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